Incoming visits

  Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas   Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía   Excelencia Severo Ochoa   HR Excellence in Research
Díaz Beltrán, Ángeles Isabel
Filiation: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Ángeles I. Díaz is a Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Previously, she was an ESA Fellow (Université de Liege, Belgium), Research Consultant (Royal Greenwich Observatory, UK), and Teaching Assistant (Yale University, USA). As a recognized international expert in Extragalactic Astronomy, she has participated in major international collaborations, and published more than 150 papers in internationally renowned journals. Her research interests include the study of the physical conditions and chemical abundances of ionized gas in galaxies and circum-nuclear star-forming regions. She has participated in 25 research projects (PI>50%). She has given numerous invited talks at conferences, and has been an organizing member of multiple conferences/workshops. Finally, she is strongly involved in the management of science and the University (e.g. Head of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Vice-Dean of Science UAM; ESAB IAA), as well as in the popularization of astronomy. She belongs to the extended group of the Women and Astronomy Commission of the SEA.
January, 31st
- March, 31st 2025
Acuña Aguirre, Lorena
Filiation: Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA)
Dr. Lorena Acuña earned her Ph.D. in 2022 from Aix-Marseille University (AMU), Marseille, France. During her time in AMU and the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM), she specialized in the interior and atmosphere modeling for super-Earths and sub-Neptunes, with the aim to provide tools for the interpretation of data provided by ongoing missions, including CHEOPS, TESS, ESPRESSO, JWST, and for the preparation of upcoming PLATO. As a postdoctoral researcher in 2022, she joined the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) in Heidelberg, Germany. In this position, she is working with Prof. Laura Kreidberg, who is the managing director of MPIA, and a leading expert in exoplanet atmospheric characterization with space-based observatories such as HST and JWST. Dr. Acuña’s research involves elaborating observational strategies to break degeneracies in compositional models, ranging from Earth-sized planets to gaseous giant exoplanets. Her research interests also include open-source software and machine-learning applications.
November, 17th
- December, 21st 2024
Nievas Rosillo, Mireia
Filiation: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
Dr. Mireia Nievas Rosillo obtained her PhD at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 2018. After, she completed postdoctoral periods at Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) in Germany between 2018 and 2020. Since then, she has worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias within the MAGIC Collaboration, where she is the convener of the Extragalactic Working Group, the CTAO Science Consortium, and the LST-1 collaboration, where she was the coordinator of the Extragalactic Physics group. Her main interest is the study of blazars, radiogalaxies, and their relativistic jets, with a special focus on those able to emit the most energetic radiation in the Universe, with the goal of understanding the physics behind the particle acceleration that produces such energetic emission.
October, 16th
- November, 22nd 2024
Carrasco González, Carlos
Filiation: Instituto de Radiastronomía y Astrofísica - UNAM
Expert radio astronomer. Graduated in Physics at the University of La Laguna (Spain) in 2004, focused on Astrophysics specialty. Worked as a PhD student at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (IAA-CSIC) and obtained the PhD degree at the University of Granada (Spain) in 2010. Then, three years working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie (MPIfR) in Bonn (Germany). In 2013, earned a tenure-track position at the level of Assistant Professor at the Instituto de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica (IRyA) of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). At present, a permanent UNAM’s researcher at the level of Senior Associate Professor. Main lines of research are two important phenomena that takes place during the formation of stars and planets: protostellar jets and protoplanetary disks. Important contributions about the launching and collimation mechanisms in protostellar jets, and its relationship with accretion and the early evolution of protostars. Interested in the study of relativistic jets from Active Galactic Nucleii and microquasars. Important contribution in the study of protoplanetary disks, in particular, how dust evolve to form new planetary systems. Most the research is based on high sensitivity and high angular resolution observations obtained with some of the most powerful radio interferometers in the world: the Very Large Array (VLA) and the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), but also other interferometers such as the Australian Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA), the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT), the Sub-Millimeter Array (SMA), and the eMERLIN interferometer. Also experience in the use of single dish telescopes, such as the 100-m antenna in Effelsberg (Germany). Also strong participation in radio instrumentation projects, such as the TolTEC camera of the Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT), and the Next Generation VLA (ngVLA). Expert in the observation, analysis and interpretation of the continuum emission (free-free, dust thermal, and synchrotron emission) and its polarization in the centimeter to millimeter wavelength range. Also experience in analyzing molecular line data and observations, X-Ray and optical/IR observations. The most important results up to date are the detection and study of magnetic fields for the first time in protostellar jets, the observation of the earliest stages of collimation in jets, accretion disks in very young massive protostars, the study of the particle acceleration phenomenon in protostellar jets, and the characterization of the dust properties in protoplanetary disks around solar-type young stars. To date, around 100 publications which have received more than 2,500 citations, and principal investigator of several works published in high impact journals such as Letters and Science which have received great attention form the astronomical community and the general public.
July, 1st
- 21st 2024
Toalá Sanz, Jesús Alberto
Filiation: Instituto de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico
Jesús A. Toalá (Sinaloa, México, 1983) obtained his PhD degree in 2014 at IAA under the supervision of Drs. Martín A Guerrero (IAA) and Jane Arthur (UNAM, Mexico). His PhD thesis “X-ray emission from hot bubbles around Evolved Stars” addresses the production of X-ray emission from planetary nebulae and Wolf-Rayet nebulae using Chandra and XMM-Newton X-ray observations and radiation-hydrodynamical simulations. He worked shortly as a postdoct at IAA, but he was immediately appointed a “Distinguished Postdoc" at the Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the Academia Sinica of Taipei, Taiwan. He currently works at UNAM (Morelia, Mexico), where he leads the Evolved Stars group. His interests include the impact of evolved stars into their circumstellar medium using multi-wavelength observations and simulations.
May, 27th
- August, 2nd 2024
Gkouvelis , Leonardos
Filiation: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU)
Dr. Leonardos Gkouvelis earned his Ph.D. with top honors in 2017 from the University of Valencia, Spain, specializing in stellar physics. Motivated by the recent (exo)Planetary revolution, he ventured to Belgium to work on planetary atmospheres as a postdoctoral researcher mid-2017 at the University of Liege. In 2020, he received a NASA Postdoctoral Program fellowship and became involved in 3D-model development for Mars climate. Since 2022, he has been a staff scientist at the Munich Observatory, part of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Germany. In this position, he joined the world's leading expert, Prof. Kevin Heng, a theoretical astrophysicist studying exoplanets' atmospheres and exoclimes, ex-director of the Center for Space and Habitability (2016 to 2021, Bern-Switzerland), and currently the holder of the Chair Professorship in Astrophysics at LMU. Dr. Gkouvelis is the group leader in high-performance computing for global climate modeling of exoplanets and machine learning applications.
March, 11th
- April, 9th 2024
Sánchez Sánchez, Sebastian
Filiation: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Observational Astronomer with instrumental experience. BSc and PhD in physics (U. of Salamanca, 1995 and U. of Cantabria, 2001) with Sobresaliente and "Cum Laude" qualitifications. He. worked at the ING-La Palma (2001) and Calar Alto (2004-2010) observatories (covering all range of positions), with postdoctoral stays at AIP (Marie Curie RTN, 2002-2004, Germany), CEFCA (ARAID, 2010-2011), and IAA (RyC, 2011-2012). Since November 2013, he is researcher at the Instituto de Astronomía of the Unv. Nacional Autónoma de México, first as Investigador Titular B (IT-B), and since 2018 as Investigador Titular C (the highest academic position at UNAM). He is focused on understanding the evolution of galaxies through the exploration of their spatially resolved spectroscopic properties, pioneering the implementation of Integral Field Spectroscopy (IFS) techniques in this field. He conceptualized and provided the community with computational methods to reduce, visualize, and analyze the stellar populations and ionized gas of these data. I was the first to propose the existence the local relationships between the surface mass density and the star formation rate, as well as the oxygen abundance. He has been the PI of the first large-scale integral field spectroscopy survey of galaxies in the Local Universe (CALIFA,, which involved more than 80 scientists from over 20 countries, resulting in over a hundred publications in peer-reviewed journals, more than 50 conference presentations, and the mentoring of 24 PhD and MSc students. These results have changed the paradigm of studying galaxy evolution, now focusing on understanding local processes and relationships, which underpin global ones. This has laid the groundwork for new larger IFS surveys such as MaNGA, SAMI, or AMUSING, of which he is a promoter and founding member. The relevance of these research endeavors has been recognized worldwide, leading to regular invitations to participate in evaluation panels (e.g., ERC, ESF, HST TAC, MINECO/EVALUA, CONICYT, CONACYT), scientific organizing committees for conferences, and delivering seminars and invited and reviewing talks (25 oral presentations in total). These achievements led the prestigious Annual Review of Astronomy & Astrophysics (the highest-impact journal in the field) to commission a review article from me (Sánchez 2020). I have contributed to ~600 publications (~350 in peer-reviewed journals, ~41 as 1st author), with ~24,000 citations (~3,000 as 1st author), with an H index of 90. He has supervised or co-supervised eight PhD theses, four MSc theses, and one MSc thesis, with three more ongoing PhD and MSc supervisions. He participated in over a dozen research projects, both national and international, encompassing basic science (e.g.,PI:CALIFA, co-PI:EDGE, ALMAQUEST, MaNGA/SDSS-IV), instrumental development (e.g., PI:CAFE, LVM/SDSS-IV, TARSIS, MEGARA), data analysis sofware (PI:pyPipe3D, PI:E3D, PI:R3D), and distribution (PI:SDSS17 Pipe3D VAC, PI:eCALIFA). He has been PI of 14 research funded projects, beside personal fellowships, at a national and regional level, with ~1.9 Million Euros granted in total.
February, 25th
- March, 23rd 2024
Markkanen , Johannes
Filiation: Institute of Geophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics, TU Braunschweig
Post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Geophysics and Extraterrestrial Physics TU of Braunscheweig, Germany. He received the D.Sc. (tech.) degree in electrical engineering from Aalto University in 2013 with title “Integral equation methods for extreme-parameter materials and novel boundary conditions”. Specialized in integral equation methods in computational electromagnetics for modeling complex electromagnetic media and surfaces. His has developed a robust model framework to characterize cometary dust particles from photopolarimetry. He has been awarded with the 2019 Elsevier/JQSRT Peter C. Waterman young scientist Award for his outstanding early-career contributions on the theory and applications of electromagnetic Scattering.
January, 20th
- 27th 2024
Bonnoli, Giacomo
Filiation: INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera (Milan, Italy)
Researcher in the field of blazars and Cherenkov Astronomy. Member of the ASTRI, LST, CTA, MAGIC Collaborations. External collaborator of the VHEGA (Very High Energy Group for Astrophysics) group @ IAA. Collaborator of IXPE, POLAMI, and WEBT.
November, 23rd
- December, 20th 2023
Luque , Rafael
Filiation: Univ. de Chicago, Chicago, EEUU
Born in Priego de Córdoba (Spain), Rafael Luque graduated in Physics from the University of Granada and is a Doctor summa cum laude in Astrophysics from the University of La Laguna in the Canary Islands, Spain. His field of research comprises the discovery and characterization of exoplanets. He has conducted research stays in Mexico, Canada, the Canary Islands, Germany, France, and the US. Since 2022, he works at the University of Chicago as a Margarita Salas fellow.
October, 1st
- 15th 2023
Koutoulaki, Maria
Filiation: University of Leeds
Dr. Maria Koutoulaki, originally from Greece, did her PhD at the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS), in Ireland, working in the field of star formation under the supervision of Prof. Tom Ray, Prof. Antonella Nata, and Prof Rebeca Garcia. After her PhD, she moved to the European Southern Observatory (ESO) headquarters in Garching, Germany, where she joined the group of Prof. Leonardo Testi and now she is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Leeds in the group of Prof. René Oudmaijer.
September, 4th
- October, 2nd 2023
Dupke, Renato
Filiation: Observatorio Nacional Rio de Janeiro
Dr. Dupke is a widely recognized expert in galaxy clusters and the intracluster medium. His analyses are specifically focused on the X-ray emission of the hot gas as well as its chemical composition, and on the nature of Fosil groups and related galaxy association. He is Scientific Director of the international JPAS Survey, a coordinated effort between four institutions (including IAA-CSIC) to map 8000 square degrees of the Northern Sky in 60 filters; JPAS is central to the strategy of research of the SO and is an institutional project of the IAA-CSIC.
June, 4th
- July, 7th 2023
Millour, Ehouarn
Filiation: Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD), Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), Sorbonne University, Paris, France
Dr. Ehouan Millour is the deputy leader of the team developing the Planetary Climate Models (PCM) ( ), general circulation models designed to model the atmospheres of Mars, Venus, Titan, gas giants and exoplanets. He is the technical manager in charge of the Mars Climate Database and Venus Climate Database. He plays an active role in different space Mars missions, such as the Emirates Mars Mission, ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, and InSight. He contributed to more than 75 referred publications and 150 international conferences in the field of planetary sciences.
May, 22nd
- 31st 2023